Monday, December 10, 2007

A Good Time Was Had....

Saturday's Christmas Party was the best one yet. As I looked around, I didn't see one person without a smile on their face! I really enjoyed seeing each one of you! We spent alot of time and thought trying to ensure that the party had a little something for everyone! While it's still fresh in your mind, share your thoughts on the party with us! We want to know what your favorite parts are and any suggestions you might have for next year's event. If I didn't get to talk to you very long Saturday night, please know that I wish you and yours the very merriest of Christmas! Yvonne


Tabitha Manahan said...

The first thing that comes to mind
about the Christmas party is... WOW! I really enjoyed the was a Blast! But I believe what I enjoyed the most was just getting
to visit with everyone! My husband
and I had a wonderful time. Thank you Yvonne, Luke, Janna T, Kim, Bridget and Bellena for a absolutely wonderful Party!!

Merry Christmas to you all!

April Moore said...

Andy & I both had a great time! It was the best Christmas party that we have been to since we have been with the company!!! I really enjoyed it after being at home for 3 weeks!!! The best part was getting to visit with everyone and meeting the ones that we don't get to see. I also enjoyed getting to play the game and all the prizes it was really fun. Thank you Luke, Yvonne, Kim, Bridget, Janna, & Bellena for the best party by far!!

Brooke Cockrell said...

The party was a BLAST!! I really enjoyed getting to meet the ones that I have talked to many times threw email and telephone, face to face! I have never worked for a company that does such great things for its employees. Thanks Everyone for a great time! Yall have a Very Merry Christmas!

Jana House said...

The Christmas party was a blast!! This was the perfect way to end the year, and I can't wait until next year. A big thank you to Luke, Yvonne, Kim, Janna, Bridget, and Bellena, you guys did great! This is a wonderful company to work for, and wonderful people to work with. And I have to say that the best part of the party was the last drawing of the night! I really enjoyed that. Everyone have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!!