Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Twice as many Winners!!

We had our Area Managers meeting yesterday and we decided to stick with the same monthly competition for this quarter, but we added a new twist. We want all of the offices to focus a lot of your attention on collections, and we feel that adding a little more to the competition will help motivate you. The office to collect the most A/W/O's will receive $300. The 2nd place winner will receive 8 hours PTO. Remember to run tag numbers or vin #'s on CVR to find new addresses, and use your accurint time as well. It helps! If your office collects the most money in return checks, you will win $200. The office that comes in 2nd place wins 8 hours PTO. Verify funds daily! The office to have the highest net will win $200 and again, the 2nd place winner will receive 8 hour PTO. Here's how it will work... For the office that wins 1st place, we will put all of the employee's names for that office in a drawing to decide the winner, unless the office agrees to split the money. 2nd place winners will be decided the same way. You will have the decision to split the 8 hours PTO with one another or we will draw for the winner. Good luck to everyone! If you need any tips on collections, please email your Area Manager! Janna


Michelle Williams said...

That sounds GREAT!!!!

Heather Brewington said...

Sounds great! Good luck to everyone!

DENA ELLIS said...

Wow, I need to step up my collections big time!! Good Luck Ladies!