Wednesday, March 23, 2011


COLD CALLS do work! Brooke sent an email out yesterday around 12:00 stating cold calls were to begin. Amory CTE started calling immediately after receiving the email. I stopped in Amory office around 3:00 yesterday afternoon. While I was there a customer came in to take out a check advance. This customer was one of the COLD CALL CUSTOMERS that they had just called!! If you are not making the call someone down the road is. If you want your office to grow, make the call!! Way to get a head start Amory CTE. You are leading the way!!! Kim


Nikki Williams said...

It does work!!! I called 22 customers yesterday and had 1 come in to do a new check loan! It took me less than 15 min to make these calls and makes you feel good when someone comes in.

Michelle Woods said...

It worked for us too! We’ve had 2 come in so far as a result of us calling them :)

Crystal B said...

It has worked for us as well. We stared Monday on them and have had 3 come in.

Hamilton Office said...

Worked here too…Already done a title loan as a result of calling!