Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Twice as many Winners!!

We had our Area Managers meeting yesterday and we decided to stick with the same monthly competition for this quarter, but we added a new twist. We want all of the offices to focus a lot of your attention on collections, and we feel that adding a little more to the competition will help motivate you. The office to collect the most A/W/O's will receive $300. The 2nd place winner will receive 8 hours PTO. Remember to run tag numbers or vin #'s on CVR to find new addresses, and use your accurint time as well. It helps! If your office collects the most money in return checks, you will win $200. The office that comes in 2nd place wins 8 hours PTO. Verify funds daily! The office to have the highest net will win $200 and again, the 2nd place winner will receive 8 hour PTO. Here's how it will work... For the office that wins 1st place, we will put all of the employee's names for that office in a drawing to decide the winner, unless the office agrees to split the money. 2nd place winners will be decided the same way. You will have the decision to split the 8 hours PTO with one another or we will draw for the winner. Good luck to everyone! If you need any tips on collections, please email your Area Manager! Janna


1. Aberdeen Cash Title 2. Aberdeen Kwik Cash 3. Amory Cash Title 4. Amory Money Matters 5. Fulton Cash Title 6. Hamilton Cash Title 7. Horn Lake Money Matters 8. Macon Cash Title 9. New Albany Rapid Cash 10. Okolona Cash Title 11. Olive Branch Kwik Cash 12. Reform Cash Title 13. Southaven Rapid Cash 14. Tuscaloosa EZ Cash 15. Vernon Cash Title Congratulations to all! Don't forget that by hitting your goal you earned an EXTRA $100 on your next pay check!!!! We will have Christmas goals out this afternoon!

Friday, September 26, 2008


After 5 years of dedicated service with Montgomery Enterprises Mrs. Bea is retiring. We had a small going away party today in Fulton. Her last day is today in case you wanted to drop an email. Okolona will not be the same without her!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ten steps to stop smoking!

Being a smoker I have been around a lot of people who work for our company and smoke. So many times I have heard co-workers talk about quiting (including myself). I found these 10 steps and thought I would share them with everyone. Ten steps to stopping smoking The first few weeks may be tough, but you can do it. Follow these ten steps to stopping smoking - for good. 1. Make a date and stick to it. Draw up a plan of action, considering what methods are available to you. 2. Keep busy to help take your mind off cigarettes. Throw away all your ashtrays, lighters and tobacco. 3. Drink plenty of fluids - keep a glass of water or juice by you and sip it steadily. Try different flavours. 4. Get more active. Walk instead of using the bus or car, try the stairs instead of the lift. Exercise helps you relax and can boost your morale. 5. Think positively. Withdrawal can be unpleasant, but it is a sign your body is recovering from the effects of tobacco. Irritability, urges to smoke and poor concentration are common - don't worry, they usually disappear after a few of weeks. 6. Change your routine. Try to avoid the shop where you usually buy cigarettes. Perhaps you should avoid the pub or the break room at work if there are lots of smokers around you. Try doing something totally different. Surprise yourself! 7. No excuses. Don't use a crisis or even good news to be an excuse for 'just one cigarette' - there is no such thing and you will soon want the next and the next.... 8. Treat yourself. This is important. If you can, use the money you are saving by not smoking to buy yourself something special, big or small, that you usually would not have. 9. Be careful what you eat. Try not to snack on fatty foods. If you do need to snack, try fruit, raw vegetables or sugar-free gum or sweets. 10. Take one day at a time. Each day without a cigarette is good news for your health, your family and your pocket. May the force be with you!! Bridget

Monday, September 22, 2008

The 80's

Heather and I went on a bachelorette party Saturday night and we had to dress up in the 80's. Can you imagine the looks we got as we walked around in Birmingham? I thought I would share a couple of photos!

I hope everyone has a great Monday!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Hamilton Girls...

have started raising money for RELAY FOR LIFE. The Michelle's called a couple weeks ago to ask if they could start early. I told them sure just let me know what they were planning to do. They called and asked if they could buy bracelets to sell for a $1.00. I said sure, but how are you going to pay for the bracelets. They said that they were not sure so they would get back with me. Well, they found a way to do it. Their repo man, John Cox, donated the money to buy the bracelets. They bought 1000 bracelets and have set a goal to have them sold by the Christmas party. If they meet their goal that will start our fundraiser out with $1000.00.
If anyone has any ideas that they would like to start working on please get with you area manager. All fundraiser MUST be approved. If you would like to do something but not sure please let us know and we can help. Also, feel free to post any ideas under the comments.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Congratulations to the winners of this months competition. The Winners are . . .
A/W/O's : Amory CTE - 7
Most Collected in Return Checks: Amory CTE - $5151.35
Highest Net: Amory CTE - $681.35
Great job Lynn, April and Johnna!
The competition was a close one this month. The offices who were running close with Amory were.
A/W/O's: Fulton - 6
Most Collected in Return Checks: Reform - $4365.21
Highest Net: Vernon - $465.15
These offices did an awesome job as well! We appreciate all the hard work that goes on to get these numbers. Keep up the good work!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Anabell Blankenship

I can honestly say that this is the first time I have ever met someone who had professional pictures taken of their dog! This is Anabell. She is Angela Blankenship's pride and joy. When she sends out her Christmas cards each year, Anabell is on the front of them. She's beautiful and I bet that she never gets dirty! If anyone has any pictures they would like to share, please email them to your Area Manager.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Braeden Stevens

Here is a picture of Belinda Steven's little angel. As most of you may know, Belinda is a proud Nana. She has pictures of this child everywhere in her house, on her computer, and I can honestly say she has a new story to tell me about Braeden each time that I visit her office. Braeden is one of the many joys in Belinda's life and she loves to show her off. I have met this child and she is the happiest baby that I have ever seen. She rarely cries, and is full of smiles 99% of the time.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Things you do with kids...

My child hated to brush her teeth so I found some billybob teeth and gave to her. I explained to her if she did not brush her teeth she was going to look like this when she got older. I have to say it worked she begs to brush them.
Please send in any pictures that you would like to share with everyone.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cheering for Cheer Leaders!!

Dena's daughter, Jessica, is on the junior varsity cheer leading squad at Lake Cormorant. (She is the one sitting down on the ground on the right-hand side at the end.) Lake Cormorant's Jr. Varsity Cheerleaders attended UCA Cheer Camp in Gulf Shores and brought home 1st Place in the Home Pom, Extreme Cheer & Extreme Routine! With this 1st Place ranking the squad has the opportunity to travel to Orlando, Florida December 29-January 2 for an exclusive performance in the pre-game show of the 2008 Capital One Bowl with other squads from around the county. Sounds like Dena may need some time off! Area Managers

Monday, September 8, 2008

Lyla Criddle

Good Morning! Bellena shared a picture of her daughter with me and I thought I would share it with EVERYONE! She will be 3 months old on the 18th of this month!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!
