Friday, August 15, 2008


to everyone who helped with the meetings. These meetings took a lot of time and preperation to get ready. We could have not done it if we did not have such a great team. We had several people who filled in a long way from home and we appreciate it so much. Thanks to Stefanie and Belinda for taking care of the food and getting their back office ready for the meeting. If you have any comments or suggestions about the meetings please lets us know. Thanks again for everyone pulling together to make these meeting possible. Thanks Area Managers


Heather Brewington said...

I think the meeting went great! I really think it is awesome that everyone gets together and shares ideas. I am hoping the ideas I got yesterday will really pay off!!! :)
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Michelle Williams said...

TEAM is part of the name of our comapany!!!

Jana House said...

Great job ladies, great job to you too Laken for everything you did at the Fulton office to help out.