Thursday, August 7, 2008

Life is Full of Firsts

Whether it's first day of school or first day back, life is full of first time situations. Bridget and Heather both sent their babies off to the very first day of school and I suspect they are a little emotional about it. I was when I sent my brand new middle school student yesterday. Here's a look at Aubrey Adams' first day and Garrett Swader's first day.
Hope all of you who have them are having a great time getting your children back to school. Send us some pictures so we can share with everyone! Have a great rest of the week.


Tasha Dobbs said...

I don't have a pic but today was Anndre'a first day in Kindergaden. She was excited and so was I, she felt so much like a big girl that she didn't even want to drive her to school this morning she rather ride the bus. I was so proud of her for taking this day a whole lot better than me. You don't realize how fast time go by till their first day of kindergarden. Congratulations to all parents and their first day and Congratulations to my little no BIG GIRL Anndre'a.

Heather Brewington said...

I know exactly how it is. I have one in the 6th, 4th, and 3rd. My oldest cried yesterday when I dropped her off and my youngest has cried the last 2 days!!! It is the worst feeling to leave your babies at school while they are balling their eyes out.. "Mama I want to go home with you" So, congrats to all parents that handle it well...And Tasha, I am glad that Anndre'a was BIG GIRL and didn't want you to take her. I bet that meant alot...

DENA ELLIS said...

I was the one crying this morning as my son backed out of the driveway to go to school. He will be 17yrs in September and this was his 1st time driving to school. My daughter starts her 1st year in high school. So, no matter how old your kids are, it's likely SOMEONE is going to cry!

Laken Dobbs said...

My son(Tristan) started his first day of Kindergarten today! He was sooooo excited!

Heather Barnes said...

It was very emotional for me. I cried all the way down the hall and to work. She was very excited about big school but wanted me to stay with her. I had to pull her from me and walk away and listen to her crying as I walked out the door. For those of you who have kids that have not started yet, take a box a kleenex wth you...

Nikki Williams said...

Braydon started Kindergarden today and it was an experience. We got to his classroom and he would not let me go in with him. He kissed me on the cheek and told me to leave! I think that was even harder than him crying! It was unexpected. Hope everyone has a GREAT Friday!