Monday, June 30, 2008

And The Winners Are.........

As all of you know, the end of the quarter for our records was last Friday. SIX offices reached their goal. I am sure that all 23 offices worked very hard this past quarter. With the stimulus checks going around, a few were VERY close but didn't make it. We put the names of all of the individuals who worked these offices in a tub and Shanda drew three names out.

The winners of the $500 prizes are.........

Dena Ellis from Horn Lake

Lynn Murphree from Amory Cash Title

Crystal Dabbs from Okolona

A BIG round of applause for these ladies and ALL of you who work so hard every day!!

Yvonne, Kim, Janna & Bridget

Hamilton's Customer Appreciation Day!

I have to brag on the Hamilton girls. It was extremely hot this past Friday, but they were outside the majority of the time and stayed on top of handling the store. I could tell by the crowd of customers there that both of the Michelles have great customer service skills. I had several customers telling me how much they love the Michelles and that they were the reason they did business there.
We served 200 hotdogs with the wonderful help of Michelle Parker's husband, Henry. Henry cooked all of the hotdogs and kept a positive outlook the entire day. Michelle, please tell him that we greatly appreciated his help!
Here are the names of the children in the 3rd picture starting from the back row: Leslee (Michelle Parker's daughter), Ashton (Yvonne Swader's daughter), Logan (Janna Tolar's son), Taylor (Michelle Williams' son), 2nd Row: Zachary (Michelle Williams' son), Tristan (Laken Dobbs' son), 1st Row: Jayla (Janna Tolar's daughter), and Ashley (Michelle Parker's sister).
We had a great day! Thanks again ladies for all the help and for the great job! Keep up the good work!

Friday, June 27, 2008

It's feeling hot hot hot!!

Stefanie, Teresa, Tracie and I are having a ball at Reform's Customer Appreciation Day! The only bad thing is the heat! I was shocked to see Stefanie here today after just having a baby last week. I wish everyone good luck on reaching their quarterly goal. GOOD LUCK!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Amory's Customer Appreciation Day!

We are having a ball in Amory. I thought I would share some pictures. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Monday, June 16, 2008

7 is the Magic Number...

We have 7 offices that have met their goal.
  1. Amory
  2. Fulton
  3. Horn Lake
  4. Okolona
  5. Olive Branch
  6. Saltillo
  7. Tuscaloosa.

The magic number should change this Friday. We have several offices that are soooooo close. Congratulations to those who have met it and GOOD LUCK to the ones that are sooooo close.

Fun In The Sun!

Having planned or helped to plan the last 6 years' worth of company events, I know how much time and effort it takes to pull off one of these events. A HUGE thanks to Bridget and Luke for taking the reins at this one. I didn't see one person without a smile on their face on Saturday. It was the BEST event ever!! I added a few pics to show you until you get to see them all tomorrow. Luke and Bridget began giving directions early and you can see that they are going in the same direction!

The boat trips were LOTS of fun. Thanks also to everyone who came. I so enjoyed seeing each of you and getting a chance to chat! Have a great week!!


Friday, June 13, 2008

Babysitter Anyone????

As alot of us scramble to arrange babysitters for tomorrow, I thought i'd share this picture of April's boys and niece.....Drew looks like an amazing, albeit grumpy, sitter!!!

I can't wait to see you tomorrow!!


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fun, Fun, Fun

The summer outing is only ONE day a way. Please remember that Bridget suggested that you might want to bring floats and chairs. But don't forget to bring the following: SWIMSUITS, TOWELS, SUNBLOCK, & DRY CLOTHES!!! For the ones of you who are still unsure about will regret it!!! SEE YOU THERE! Kim

Do I Hear Bells??????

A little birdie told me that Jackson got hitched yesterday!! Michele Jackson and Henry Parker exchanged vows and are now Mr. & Mrs. Henry Parker. We want to wish her all of the happiness in the world.

Congratulations Michele & Henry!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Smith Lake

I wanted to ask everyone who is going to Smith Lake to bring a lawn chair. It would also be a great idea for you to bring a float or something like it. Luke posted a picture of the house where we will be having the outing and I thought it would be great to show you the trampoline that we purchased!

I will be off tomorrow! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Hope everyone has a great Friday!!


Smith Lake

I wanted to give everyone a update on Smith Lake. I have 34 employees signed up to come to the outing. I appreciate everyone's excitement. We are going to have a blast. Luke gave me permission to purchase a water trampoline. This might be the perfect time for you to accidently bounce your Area Manager in to the water! I will be emailing out the time and directions to everyone next week. If anyone has any questions you can call me or email me. There is still time to sign up for the event! Have a great rest of the week!! Bridget

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Coldwater's CAD

Here are some pictures from Coldwater's CAD this past Friday. It was extremely hot, but we had a great turnout! We served 236 hotdogs and that is a huge step-up from last year. I can tell that Tina and Laniese had been building their customers up for this event. Great job ladies!!


Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Okolona and Holly Springs are in the lead for the most hotdogs given. Okolona's CAD was on May 23rd and we gave out right at 500. Holly Springs' CAD was May 30th and we gave out right at 400. There are pictures below of each CAD. Hope you enjoy!

Also, I would like to give a SPECIAL THANKS to Nathan Dabbs, Crystal's husband for the BIG helping hand in Okolona. Nathan came over to bring the boys for just a little while and ended up taking over the hotdog cart. He asked if I minded and I told him we could put him to work every Friday with the hotdog cart. So Crystal, please pass the "THANK YOU" on!


As everyone may know I took the day off last Thursday. You might think it was a relaxing day BUT it was NOT! Our church went to the Memphis Zoo. We had close to 50 people. I had a group to tend to that consisted of Drew (my daughter), Aubrey (Bridget's daughter), mother in law, another niece and nephew. Even though it was a day of bickering we still enjoyed all the animals. Here are some pictures that I wanted to share.


Monday, June 2, 2008


I went to the LaVanchy family reunion this weekend. That's right, my maiden name is LaVanchy!! Hard to pronounce, hard to spell!! My kids actually caught fish!! Ashton (in the middle) got first prize for her bass and Garrett (on the left) got 2nd prize for a small sun perch. My first catch was at a family reunion many moons ago and it was a sun perch as well! The little boy on the right is one of my many 3rd or 4th cousins - no clue what his name is! We had a great time with my dad and his siblings. Just wanted to share a picture of the kids with you! Hope you all had a GREAT weekend. I am looking forward to seeing you all at Smith Lake!