Tuesday, April 29, 2008


We asking for everyone to put on their thinking caps. We need ideas for how we can raise money for next year's Relay for Life. We want to start early so that we can possibly DOUBLE the amount we raise. If you have any ideas please post them to the comment section. If you are having problems figuring out how to post a comment please contact the Hamilton office. I don't think they would mind walking you through it. Hope everyone has a good week!


Michelle Williams said...

Ha! Ha! We all know that we know how to post comments!! I think start selling the shirts early. Do face painting,movie star makeovers, and sell candy at the Railroad Festival and at the Flea Market in Tupelo. One of the blow up jumpers would be a great idea!!! We do one for the school Halloween Carnival every year. A softball tournament would be good. Sell hot dogs, popcorn, and drinks at every auction!! Yes, I will volunteer if need be. I will let you know on some ideas other than that.

Bellena Criddle said...

We can do a chili dinner. I nominate Luke to cook the chili!

Michele Parker said...

I would suggest a beauty pagent (babies - 18 years old) and Swamp John's Plates. They set up in front of our store at least once every 2 weeks in order to do a fundraiser of some kind. The tickets are $8.00 and I think you get half. It would be no problem to sell at least 200. People are in line getting plates for hours!! The food is supplied, all you have to do is help fix drinks and bag up their plates. They are out of Red Bay, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to do it here and in Fulton. This would be an easy profit!!