Friday, January 11, 2008

Bad weather anyone??

My husband and I watch a show on television called "Twister Sisters". Two ladies go around and follow bad weather for the chance of seeing a tornado. They even have a business where you can pay and they will take you with them on the road chasing these storms. I bet a lot of you thought you were on an episode of this show yesterday. On that note you need to make sure you have a plan in place for bad weather. I know Vernon locks their doors and goes next door to the Dollar General because their building isn't very stable. I also spoke to the girls at Macon yesterday and they had a couple of plans in case the weather got bad as predicted. Just make sure you have something in mind and for no reason get in your car and try to go home. If the news tells you to take cover that is exactly what you need to do. I hope everyone has a safe and calm Friday!! Bridget

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