Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Can you do the Twist?

If you are like me, sometimes you "catch up" on the blog. Tonight, I did just that and Larry Winget's #7 principle was the best yet. I can't do all of the yoga moves just yet but I am learning to be more flexible. As Larry describes it, it's in the way you do your job and the way you are open to change. Sometimes what you see as a step back can be a good thing. It can open your eyes to new ways to do the same thing better. Find something that you do everyday and be open to a new way of doing things. It just might make you (and all of us) more money! Have a GREAT one! Yvonne

Monday, January 28, 2008


We would like to say CONGRATULATIONS to Kayla Morgan she has been drinking the water that everybody else has. We now have a total of SEVEN! Just to inform you that Michelle Storey will be having a BABY BOY real SOON! We will keep you updated. YS, KW, BA, JT

Friday, January 25, 2008


"Attitude is an important part of the foundation upon which we build a productive life. A good attitude produces good results, a fair attitude poor results, a poor attitude poor results. We each shape our own life, and the shape of it is determined largely by our attitude." - M. Russell Ballard I found this quote online last night and I believe what it states. Our attitudes play a big part in our lives, but it also plays a huge part with customer service in our offices. How we act toward our customers will make the decision whether or not they will do business with us. Have a wonderful FRIDAY!!! Janna

Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Job Well Done ...

Many of you have already been to court this year with some of your return check customers and some of you are still waiting. We have a lady that had 4 customers scheduled to take to court last week. She was able to get 1 of the 4 customers to pay their return check out in full before their court date and another customer came and paid their check out after court was over. When that customer left from paying out his return check she immediately typed up a letter to send out to her 2 remaining customers stating they have 10 days to pay off their debt before we garnish their wages and mailed it out. Later in the week she had one more of the return check customers she had taken to court come into the office and pay off their check. As of Friday, January 18, she had 3 out of 4 return checks paid out!! Who is the employee ... Jessica Steele. Jessica is the office manager at the Iuka office. She works really hard on collections and is aggressive with growing her office. She is great with following through with tasks and staying on top of things. Jessica is extremely motivated and willing to help anyone out. We appreciate the hard work that everyone puts into their offices. Although every good move that employees make are not always pointed out, please know they do not go unnoticed. Great job Jessica! Keep up the good work! Janna

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Snow, Sleet, Ice, Whatever...

This time of the year, it's a good idea to plan ahead. We don't always have ice storms or bad weather, but it's a good idea to be prepared. It's like life, it always works better with a plan. Your plan may not be a good one, but it's yours. Take a few moments each evening to plan your day for tomorrow. The morning is not as rushed and you might have a few moments to enjoy with your kids, spouse, significant other before you rush out the door. I also find that i'm in a much better mood starting my day with less confusion. Let me know how it works for you! Ya'll have a great day! Yvonne

Monday, January 14, 2008

Babies, Babies, Babies

This last year we have had babies everywhere. Some say it is in the water and some say it is in the air. We have a total of 6 ladies expecting. We have Michelle Storey, Brooke Ewing, Bellena Criddle, Stefanie Ashton, Amber Knight, and Demika Ross. Congratulations to Bellena, Stefanie, Amber, and Demika. Amber and Demika will be first time MOMMIES!

Due Dates:
Michelle = Feb. 15
Brooke = Apr. 21
Bellena = Jun. 27
Stefanie = Jul. 7
Amber = Aug. 23
Demika = Sept. 6

Congratulations to ALL!

Yvonne & Kim

Friday, January 11, 2008

Bad weather anyone??

My husband and I watch a show on television called "Twister Sisters". Two ladies go around and follow bad weather for the chance of seeing a tornado. They even have a business where you can pay and they will take you with them on the road chasing these storms. I bet a lot of you thought you were on an episode of this show yesterday. On that note you need to make sure you have a plan in place for bad weather. I know Vernon locks their doors and goes next door to the Dollar General because their building isn't very stable. I also spoke to the girls at Macon yesterday and they had a couple of plans in case the weather got bad as predicted. Just make sure you have something in mind and for no reason get in your car and try to go home. If the news tells you to take cover that is exactly what you need to do. I hope everyone has a safe and calm Friday!! Bridget

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Changes in 2008

Each day we have to make changes and choices in our personal lives and at work. Some people, when confronted with a change they don’t understand or don’t want to make, will react to it as a problem. Accepting change means you understand 2 things: Why & What… I have a few tips that I think will help myself and everyone else as well. 1. Listen… Hear what is being presented to you completely before you ask any questions. 2. Stay Positive… Even if you think their idea will not work, keep a positive attitude about it. 3. Try it… Don’t just shut it out and refuse to try it because you think it will not work. I guarantee that someone has put a lot of work into their idea and we need to respect them. Just like the seasons change, our lives change. We have to be open to the changes that are coming and be willing to learn the lessons that may come with them. Janna

Friday, January 4, 2008

Good Housekeeping

Be sure to read the Housekeeping email that was sent to you. Some of you have been here a while and you may think that you already know this information, but I encourage you to go over it again. There may be something that changed or something you have forgotten that could be important in an audit. Hope you are having a great New Year! Yvonne