Sunday, August 31, 2008

Labor Day Weekend!!

I hope everyone had a fun and safe Holiday! I wanted to share some pictures of what I had going on this weekend. My husbands family lives in New Orleans and they always evacuate to our house when there is a hurricane. I love them to death but I have to give them a hard time. When Hurricane Katrina hit I had Jeff's cousin end up living with us and going to school here until he graduated. I went from a 3 year old to a senior in High School. VERY BIG DIFFERENCE!
Anyways, I would like to share some pictures of my house.
This is what my drive way looks like.

We have 8 cars, 1 street bike and 2 dirt bikes in our driveway.

We have 6 dogs and 2 cats.

We have 11 people here including us.

I had originally planned to take vacation Tuesday but . . . I decided to go to work! I will save that day of vacation where I can use it to be alone!! HA

I hope everyone has a great day!


Friday, August 29, 2008

Another Beautiful Bundle......

Amber Knight gave birth to Kayleigh Danielle Knight Wednesday at 9 PM. Jules sent a picture in and I thought I would share it with everyone. Amber worked for us until she became an expectant mom and now she will stay at home with little Kayleigh. Congratulations to Mitchell and Amber!!


Words to Live By

"People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves, they have the first secret of success." — Norman Vincent Peale: Author, The Power of Positive Thinking.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Introducing Gavin Lee Ross

Special Delivery

The stork made a special delivery to Demika and her husband Joey last night. They now have a baby boy named Gavin Lee Ross. He was born by C-Section around 8:00 last night. He weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces and was 19 inches long. Congratulations to Demika and Joey!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

In our next Area Manager's meeting Relay for Life is going to be a topic on our agenda. We have 2 offices that are VERY excited to get started on next year's event. Last year Janna, Bridget, and I spent a lot of time trying to get everything together. We want to start early so we do not have such a hetic time this year. Our goal last year was $10,000, which we did hit! We have not set a goal for this year but I sure hope it is WAAAAAAAY over $10,000. We have a great team and I think if we ALL pull together it can be done. Put on your thinking caps and send in some fundraising ideas! We have a competition in the making but we needs so ideas before we announce it. Please E-MAIL ALL ideas to me (Kim)! Area Managers

The Newest to Reach the Goal.....

Congratulations to our latest office to reach their goal....SOUTHAVEN. This office is the first office up north to reach their goal for the 3rd quarter!! They have had a tough time with two brand new ladies taking over and making it work! Kudos to Angela and Danielle for their hard work and dedication to the growth of that store. Good luck to all of you who are still trying and those who are still maintaining!!!! Have a fantastic week. It looks like we may have a few more to announce by week's end! Yvonne

Friday, August 22, 2008

Reform and Macon

Macon Office
Reform Office
Good Afternoon!
I thought it would be neat to share pictures of some of our offices from time to time. That way everyone who reads the blog will know what these offices look like. Today I am posting a picture of the Reform, Alabama office and the Macon, Mississippi office! I took the picture of the Macon store on the 3rd so their parking lot is a little crowded. Julie and Wendy (and myself) were doing some business that day!! :)
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Do you hear WEDDING BELLS ...

Congratulations to Lekeitha Leverson (formly Lekeitha Ramsey). She just said I do!! We wish lots of great memories and a wonderful honey moon for Lekeitha and Rodney!
Area Managers

Great Job Sailors!

Mrs. Delois and I frequently look over reports for each company. Tuesday, we looked at comparison reports to show how well we are doing this year versus next year. We did VERY well in the Return Checks category. We have increased the income for Return Checks by more than 40%! As I sat back grinning over my "pet project", I thought of sail boats. I know, it's a stretch, but hear me out. While the captain of the boat may point it in a certain direction, the wind carries it to it's destination. While Luke or I or the Area Managers may point the company in a certain direction, it is ALL of the Managers and Assistant Managers who put wind in the sails. We could not do any of this without you and it is your hard work and dedication that has brought us this increase and you deserve the praise!! Thanks so much for picking up the phone, sending out letters and carrying checks to the bank!!!!!!! You certainly are the heart and soul of the organization. Have a great rest of the week! Yvonne

Monday, August 18, 2008

And The Winner Is.........

Luke and Ashley's daughter Andie won 2008 Tiny Miss Itawamba this weekend. She also won Most Photogenic for the pageant. Doesn't she look sweet?????

Friday, August 15, 2008


to everyone who helped with the meetings. These meetings took a lot of time and preperation to get ready. We could have not done it if we did not have such a great team. We had several people who filled in a long way from home and we appreciate it so much. Thanks to Stefanie and Belinda for taking care of the food and getting their back office ready for the meeting. If you have any comments or suggestions about the meetings please lets us know. Thanks again for everyone pulling together to make these meeting possible. Thanks Area Managers

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Look Around But Never Down

Sometimes we think that we are the only ones ever wronged and we can tend to complain, but if we look around we can always find folks who deserve the best of life but never seem to get it. I ran across this story of a lady who did right just because it was right to do. Sure, she got punished for it and never received due recognition, but because of it more than 2500 children got to live! Hope ya'll enjoy the story and what we can all learn from it... Have you heard the story about the runner-up for the Nobel Peace Prize? Irena Sendlerowa (1910-2008). May 12 marked the death of a 98-year-old lady named Irena.During WWII, Irena received permission from the Nazis to work in the Warsaw ghetto as a plumbing/sewer specialist.She had an ulterior motive...Being German, she knew the Nazis' plans for the Jews and smuggled infants out in the bottom of the large tool box she carried. Larger children were placed in a burlap sack in the back of her truck. Also in the back was a dog that she had trained to bark each time the Nazi guards allowed her out of the ghetto and back in.The soldiers, of course, wanted nothing to do with the dog, and its barking covered any noise made by the infants and small children Irena managed to smuggle out approximately 2,500 children before she was finally caught. When she was captured, the Nazis beat her severely, breaking both her arms and her legs.Irena kept a record of the names of all the children she smuggled out of that Warsaw ghetto and kept them in a glass jar buried under a tree in her back yard.After the war, she tried to locate any parents who may have survived so she might reunite the child with its family. Most, of course, did not survive the Holocaust, and the vast majority of the surviving children were placed in foster homes or adopted.Last year Irena was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, but she lost to Al Gore, who won the award for presenting a slide show on Global Warming. I'm sure she didn't care...she had already saved the lives of 2500 children!! Have a great Friday and wonderful weekend! Remember to look around for the silver lining!! Yvonne

Friday, August 8, 2008

And The Winners Are....

Sometimes it takes a while to tally the results but we wanted to be absolutely sure of the winners of the monthly competition and now we are! Active Write Offs: Hernando won with 13 vehicles Return Check Total Collected: Baldwyn won with $3923.12 Return Check Net: Fayette won with $-1530.75 Names will be drawn from each office for those winners. Congratulations to Belinda, Lekeitha, Michelle Storey, Bethany Elrod and Christy Allen. Ya'll have a great Friday! Yvonne

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Life is Full of Firsts

Whether it's first day of school or first day back, life is full of first time situations. Bridget and Heather both sent their babies off to the very first day of school and I suspect they are a little emotional about it. I was when I sent my brand new middle school student yesterday. Here's a look at Aubrey Adams' first day and Garrett Swader's first day.
Hope all of you who have them are having a great time getting your children back to school. Send us some pictures so we can share with everyone! Have a great rest of the week.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Good Reminder!!!!

life is too short grudges are a waste of perfect happiness laugh when you can apologize when you should and let go of what you can’t change. Love deeply and forgive quickly take chances… give everything and have no regrets life is too short to be unhappy you have to take the good with the bad
smile when you’re sad love what you got and always remember what you had always forgive and try to forget learn from your mistakes But never regret people change and things go wrong but always remember Life goes on!!!!!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Please do not forget that I need your Santa list. I will try to have everyone's SECRET SANTA name before the end of the month.