Wednesday, February 27, 2008


The Area Managers and I thought this story was funny and I wanted to share it with you! I have asked Stefanie Ashton if I could post this and laughing she said yes. So, lets all join in and laugh with Stefanie!!

Bellena sent out an email letting all the offices know to be on the look out for your package with your starbursts and info on the Relay for Life. Well, Stefanie called Bellena and told her she received her package but she didn't get any Starburst and Bellena proceeded to tell her she put some in there and Stefanie said she had no candy in hers! :)

We thought this was so funny and thought everyone would get a kick out of it. We are sure there are some others who might have thought the same thing about the candy, so if you did leave a comment so Stefanie will know she wasn't alone in this!!

I hope everyone has a great rest of the week!!!


Monday, February 25, 2008


I wasn't sure if everyone knew it or not but Michelle and baby, John Avery, came home last Sunday, February 17. They are both doing great!


Friday, February 15, 2008


If you've read Luke's blog, you know I have a new nephew!!!! John Avery weighed 6 pounds and 3 ounces and is 17 inches long. The proud parents are resting well and should be home on Monday. Michelle is my hero! In the face of some pretty stressful circumstances, she acted calm and in control. Unable to get to the hospital, she took care of business herself. Congratulations to her and John on their new bundle of joy. Pictures will be following shortly..... Ya'll have a great Friday! Yvonne

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Change Is In The Air

Springtime is right around the corner and with it come the thunderstorms that are so prevelant this time of year. For the days to get warmer, we have to take the good with the bad! It's the very same for business. Change is happening everywhere. The initial confusion that comes with the change always smoothes out and the new system should make life easier for those who use it. Just remember how most of us felt about the Western Union computers and now for the most part, we wouldn't want to be without them! So the next time you are asked to make a change, take a deep breath and remember that we're only trying to make your job easier or comply with some new regulation we are under and SMILE, pretty soon it will be old hat to you! Have a great Wednesday! Yvonne

Friday, February 8, 2008

Verify Checks

A couple of weeks ago a lady named Christy Cox came into the Hernando office to cash her payroll check. Christy was currently working at Mississippi Emergystat Ambulance Service, and to her knowledge still had a job. Tabitha followed company procedures and called to verify funds on this check. It was a great thing that she did, because the funds were not available! Christy had no clue that this company had closed their doors and not only was she unemployed, but her payroll check wasn't good. This is just one reason why it is so important to always verify ALL of the checks we cash. You never know when something like this might happen. This is a well known ambulance service and this lady had absolutely no clue what really was going on there. When you have time please go to the following website and read more about this story. Great job Tabitha!! Janna

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Active Write Off's

As I was reading Kim’s post about the Fayette and Amory Check Depot Offices doing such a great job at collecting returned checks, I thought I would remind you that even though we aren’t in the competition for AWO's it is still very important to work them. We have a few offices that are still working on AWO's and did well last month. Vernon collected on 3 AWO's and the Aberdeen CTE and Amory CTE collected on 2. So, if you aren't working yours I recommend you do because by doing this you are bringing in more money for the company. Also, the longer you let them sit without any contact with the customer, the harder it is to find the vehicle. If anyone would like suggestions or help with your AWO's call your Area Manager and set up a time for them to come and work with you on a couple so you can see what to do and look for. Also, if you have any tricks that work for you, please share that with your Area Manager so she may pass it along to other offices. I hope everyone has a great day! Bridget

Monday, February 4, 2008


First of all we would like to brag on Christy & Denise at the Fayette office for collecting an amazing $2800 in return checks. WAY TO GO GIRLS!!! Some offices always complain saying that they were too busy. We would like to say kudos to Lynn, April, Johnna at the Amory office for collecting $1800 on return checks while they took in a total of $43,000 on checks and title. These two offices sure follow the old saying "if it is to be it is up to me". HAPPY COLLECTING! Yvonne & Kim